Mini Strawberry Cheesecake Tarts

Mini Strawberry Cheesecake Tarts



Honestly, if these Mini Strawberry Cheesecake Tarts were the only thing my Valentines Day entailed I would have no regrets. 

This holiday is all about love, and can I just say... I have ALL the love for these little guys. Is It just me or is everything cuter when its mini?

Whether you are gearing up for a romantic dinner or fun night out with girlfriends make your night complete with these sinfully decadent cakes.

Happy LOVE week to every single one of you! 



1 cup pecans
1/2 cup walnuts 
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pepitas
1 cup shredded coconut 
14-15 large medjool dates ( soaked in hot water for 30 minutes) 
1/4 tsp sea salt 


You will need a muffin pan and parchment paper. For each muffin mold cut and lay two small strips of parchment paper criss cross in the mold(like an X) so that the ends can act as tabs to pull out each cheesecake cup out when complete. 

Add all ingredients *except dates* to a food processor and pulse a few times. Drain your dates, and make sure they are depitted. 

Add your dates, and process until a sticky dough is formed. This takes a few minutes, scraping down sides as needed. 

Press the dough into each muffin mold (parchment strips are underneath), making sure the crust reaches about halfway up the mold. Make sure the crust is even all around. Repeat for each muffin mold!

When complete, place in freezer while you prep your cream! 



1.5 cup raw cashews, soaked in water a minimum of 4 hours
1/2 - 3/4 cup coconut cream, from a full fat coconut milk can that has been refrigerated overnight - I prefer Whole Foods 365 Brand , yields the most coconut cream in my opinion!
1/3 cup desiccated coconut ( this is the finely shredded coconut)  
1/3 cup almond milk 
2 tbsp melted coconut oil 
3.5 tbsp maple syrup  ( honey will work too
1 tbsp lemon juice (more or less to taste) 
1 tsp vanilla 
1/4 tsp sea salt 
1/2 cup chopped strawberries (reserve some for topping) 


D i r e c t i o n s 

Drain your cashews and give them a quick rinse. Add to blender. Open your coconut milk can and scoop out all of the cream, careful to only use the cream and leave liquid in can. (Little tip: freeze the liquid in an ice tray for smoothies later) 

Add your cream to the blender with the cashews, and then add all of the other ingredients. Begin to blend, scraping down sides as needed. If you need more liquid for blending, add a tbsp more almond milk at a time! 

You want to blend until your mixture is extremely smooth! No clumps whatsoever. Once blended STIR in your strawberries (leaving a few for topping). Leave in blender until your crust cups are ready. 



Remove crusts from freezer. Pour the cheesecake batter into each mold, leaving a little room so that the batter does not overflow. 

Place in freezer for 30 minutes. Top with extra strawberries or melt a little chocolate for drizzling! Place back in freezer for storing, and allow 10-15minutes to thaw before serving. Store in a seal tight container in freezer! 
