Vegan Ginger Molasses Cookies

Vegan Ginger Molasses Cookies

Tis the season for cookies, and I think Santa will have no problem taking a bite into one of these chewy on the inside, crispy on the outside GINGER MOLASSES COOKIES! 

These cookies are fool proof and would be the perfect little treat to drop on your neighbors doorstep this holiday season. 

Or ya know, in a bowl warmed up with a few scoops of vanilla ice cream on top. But that's just me. 

Go ahead and mix a batch of these up, let me know how long It takes for you to polish them off! 

I n g r e d i e n t s 

D r y 

3/4 cup almond flour 

3/4  cup gluten free oat flour

3/4 cup coconut sugar 

1/4 cup coconut flour 

1 tbsp cinnamon 

1.5 tsp ginger

1 tsp baking soda 

1/2 tsp sea salt 


W e t 

1/4 cup molasses 

1/4 cup almond butter 

1/4 cup melted coconut oil 

2 tbsp aquafaba 


E x t r a

3 tbsp coconut sugar 


D i r e c t i o n s 

Preheat your oven to 350F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper ( if you only have a small baking sheet, you may have to cook in two batches).

In a large bowl whisk all your wet ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix all your dry ingredients until all mixed through.

Stir your dry ingredients into your wet, mix well. Refrigerate your mixed dough for 30 minutes. 

Add your 3 tbsp coconut sugar into a small cereal bowl. 

Once chilled, roll your dough into ping pong sized balls. Place on your parchment paper and flatten with the back of a spoon.

You want to leave a good amount of space between each cookie as they will spread.

Repeat until dough is gone. 

Bake for 11-13 minutes or until fragrant and golden brown. They will still be soft when you take them out of the oven and will crisp up as they cool! 

Best when straight out of the oven! Store in a sealed container on the counter 3-4 days, in the refrigerator for about a week. 



