Weeknight Taco Salad w/ Mushroom Walnut Meat

Weeknight Taco Salad w/ Mushroom Walnut Meat

Is there anything better than a loaded taco salad? I want layers upon layers (flavor upon flavor ) with each bite. To be honest, I prefer without a taco or shell, but you do you, as long as you do not skimp on the opportunity for sautéed veggies, corn or black beans, shredded slaw or crunchy cucumbers, a big scoop of guacamole, and of course, a pool of cashew queso. 

This recipe is the perfect solution to a delicious weeknight meal. Cater to your family by switching up the toppings with all their favorites. 

This one is on repeat at our house, and will soon be at yours too! I hope you enjoy!


Cashew Queso

1 cup cashews, soaked overnight

1, 16 oz jar salsa verde  ( I used Frontera)

Optional: squeeze of fresh lime juice 


Mushroom Walnut Meat 

2, 8 oz baby Bella mushrooms, cleaned and quartered 

3/4 cup raw walnuts 

3 tbsp almond flour 

1 tbsp olive oil 

1 pack taco seasoning, divided in half 



1 tbsp olive oil 

1 red onion , sliced thin 

2 bell peppers sliced thin

Remainder of taco seasoning 

5 cups romaine, shredded 

1 large English cucumber 

3/4 cup cooked black beans 


Prepare your queso: After soaking, drain and rinse your cashews. Add to a high-speed blender with jar of salsa verde. Optional: squeeze lime, and pinch salt! 

Blend on high until there are zero clumps and all is creamy. Warm on the stove or heat by re-blending before serving.

Prepare your "meat":Add your walnuts to a food processor. Pulse until large crumbles. De-stem and quarter your mushrooms. Add your mushrooms and flour into the food processor and pulse about 10 more times. Do not over pulse, the texture should look like ground beef.

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once sizzling, add your mushroom walnut mix to the pan. Stir occasionally until browned, about 12 minutes. It will brown like meat does! Add a few pinches of sea salt and taste to adjust seasoning to preference. Set aside.


Prepare your sautéed vegetables: In a separate small sauté pan or the one you just used, sauté your onion. Once your onion begins to cook down add in your peppers and the other half of your taco seasoning packet. Saute until your peppers have softened but still have a bite to them. Add salt to preference. Set aside. 


Prepare your salad: Add your romaine to a large salad bowl or divide It among small serving bowls. Add your sautéed peppers and onions, your black beans, your cucumbers, your taco meat and then your cashew drizzle. Enjoy! 





