Homemade Pumpkin Butter

Homemade Pumpkin Butter

I could get used to Saturday mornings like this. Toasted sourdough, vegan cream cheese, and a large slab of homemade pumpkin butter. 

Even more appropriate that we are heading to a pumpkin patch this morning -- I keep saying we are going for Harper, but secretly I know its just as much for me. 

Dip your apples, your crispy bread, or your fingers -- I wont tell. 

Cheers to the season of pumpkin!


1 can pumpkin puree, about 1 1/2 cups

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

2 tbsp water

1 tbsp lemon juice

3 tbsp coconut sugar

1/4 cup honey

1 cinnamon stick

1 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1/4 tsp sea salt


Add all of the ingredients into a large sauce pot or pan over medium heat, stir to combine. 

Bring your mixture to a low boil/ bubble, stirring frequently, and then reduce your heat to a simmer. 

Allow your butter to simmer for 25- 30 minutes, continuing to stir frequently. 

Your mixture should darken in color and thicken up quite a bit. 

Taste and adjust your flavors -- more honey for sweetness, lemon for tartness, or a pinch more sea salt.
