No-Bake Cinnamon Rolls

No-Bake Cinnamon Rolls

You want to know the hardest part about cinnamon rolls? WAITING to eat them.

 Next time you are craving cinnamon rolls *and like now* try this no bake version! All the cinnamon flavor, sticky filling, doughy goodness without any oven time. 

Take these up a notch by drizzling on a cashew or coconut butter glaze! 



Cinnamon Roll Dough 

1 3/4 cup oat flour 

1/2 cup almond flour 

1/2 cup runny cashew or almond butter  

3 tbsp maple syrup 

2 tbsp coconut sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract 

1/4 tsp sea salt 

1/4 cup almond milk + more if needed 



8 sticky Medjool dates, pit removed 

1/3 cup cashew or almond butter

1/4 cup very hot water ( more if needed to thin) 

1/2 tbsp vanilla extract 

1 tbsp cinnamon 

pinch sea salt 


Make your dough: Add oat flour, almond flour, cashew or almond butter, maple syrup, coconut sugar, sea salt and vanilla to a food processor. Process until crumbly. Slowly add in your almond milk until a dough forms and begins to roll in a large ball in your processor. If still too dry add a dash more almond milk and process. 

Place dough on a large sheet of parchment paper. Add another piece of parchment paper on top of the dough. Begin to flatten the dough with your hands. 

Use a rolling pin to roll out dough into a rectangle crust, about 1/4" thick. Using the parchment paper layers will help the dough not stick to the pin. 


Prepare the filling: Using the same food processor, add all filling ingredients. Process until smooth and creamy-- no clumps left.  Add an additional tbsp hot water if needed! 


Assemble the cinnamon rolls:

Spread a thick layer of filling onto the dough, leaving about 1/4" on each side to help you roll. 

Using the parchment paper underneath the dough slowly begin to roll the dough into a log, using your fingers to smooth out any cracks along the way. 

Once completely rolled with the parchment paper, place it in the freezer for 45 minutes to firm up. 

When ready slice and enjoy! 

Store leftovers in freezer ! 
